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The Sabah Forestry Department’s forestry policy statements are:
  • Forest Management Unit (FMU) 17A will be managed under sound forest management practices in accordance with the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) Principles and the biological, social and economic principles defined by the International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO), the Malaysian Criteria and Indicators (MC&I) of the Malaysian Timber Certification Council (MTCC), now known as Malaysian Timber Certification Scheme (MTCS) and in conformity with the existing State forest policies, environmental policies, legislation and regulations.
  • The Sabah Forestry Department (SFD) is committed to support the effort to combat global warming in FMU 17A through restoration activities and the establishment of intensively managed planted areas that will sequester carbon and produce carbon credits in accordance to CCB standards.
  • The SFD shall maintain and enhance areas identified as ‘high conservation value forests’ (HCVF) for the protection of biodiversity, wilderness, soil, and water resources;
  • The SFD shall consult with local, national, and international stakeholders in its efforts to manage FMU 17A.
  • The SFD shall emphasize the conservation of biodiversity and other environmental values, and providing social benefits. Social benefits will include job opportunities and socio-economic development activities, particularly for the local communities who are living at the periphery of FMU 17A, to improve their living standards.
  • The SFD will strive to protect its forest resources from fire, illegal felling and forest encroachment and to enhance the safe, sound, and responsible management of the forest for this and future generations.